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Move Towards Self-Trust

Is your mind filled with self-judgments and criticisms about what you see in the mirror? Do you have a history of frequent dieting only to find yourself defeated by the battle with food?

I am confident there is another way to embrace life without the constant battle, energy, and emotions wasted on what your body "should" be in comparison to others. I hope to work with you to move towards a more compassionate, and self-trusting version of yourself. 

I utilize Intuitive Eating and HAES approaches. I often collaborate with Registered Dietitians to provide a holistic treatment team approach. 

Looking Out to the Lake


Let the past, be in the past.

Trauma is: paralyzing. debilitating. Intolerable. And shame is often the response.

It stops you from getting out of bed, experiencing joy, and being present in the day-to-day moments of life. Trauma often masks itself with the symptoms of depression, anxiety, loss-of-control eating, anger, and substance abuse. It prevents growth, and moving forward with new experiences. 
My philosophy as a therapist is to not only address the behaviors that trauma and shame memories produce, but to treat the actual memories and how they were processed in the brain through EMDR therapy. I also utilize shame-resilience skills and education on the brain to help you understand how we respond to difficult and traumatic experiences. Traumatic experiences can be resolved. Healing, and a fulfilling life is possible. 

Toy Plane


The Struggle is Real

Let’s be honest—being a teenager can suck. You experience huge life transitions, social pressures, and are learning to be in, or out of, relationships. It’s important to feel like you can be heard, and that your experience matters-because it does. 

I specialize in body image, social anxiety, and identity issues. Since 2011, I have supported teens and college students work through changing bodies, relationships, religious exploration, and self-expression. 


Depending on your preference, parents can be as involved with this process as you see fit.



Change is hard

Recent break-up? Job changes? Loss of a loved one? Moving to a new city? Changing body? 

If only life could stay put for a bit! With so many changes, it can feel impossible to remain present in your life. By identifying your specific life values, you can practice returning to what is important in your life--despite the chaos. 

Sat on the Rocks


No human is immune to relationship stressors. Conflict and self-doubt can increase when we struggle with pleasing those around us more than speaking up for our needs. 

We all want to experience relationships that provide us a sense of value, acceptance, and vulnerability--yet why can this be so difficult to cultivate?



"Adulting" as a Young Adult

There is a cultural narrative that when you hit a certain age, you "should" have the perfect job, the perfect social life, the perfect balance of travel adventures, financial independence, and beard growth (if you are a male of course)! More often than not, these "shoulds" that are pressured onto eighteen year-olds to twenty-something-year-olds, aren't a reality, but a damaging myth. This can produce shame, relationship pressures, and a lack of self-identity.  
The truth? Becoming an adult is a process, usually a long and messy one. I hope to help navigate these steps with you, in hopes of fostering a greater sense of compassion for where you are right now.



Grace upon Grace

Do you find yourself questioning your existence? Wondering if God is truly present in your pain? 

It can be hard to trust during times of doubt, depression, loss, and shame. 

I have found that our most painful trials can either move us towards our Creator, or trying our best to turn our backs from Him.

Your struggle and questions are welcome in this space. 
I offer Christian faith-based based on your needs and specific spiritual practices. 

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